lørdag den 20. september 2014
Nahuatl Intellectuals - New book by Kelly McDonough
I just stumbled on this book on google books and read through as much as the snippets would let me. Kelly McDonough's "The Learned Ones: Nahua Intellectuals in Postconquest Mexico" is a fascinating account of several Nahua intellectuals from the colonial and postcolonial period such as the grammarian Antonio del Rincon (who was the first to mark the Nahuatl glottal stop and long vowels), Faustino Chimalpopoca who recorded Nahuatl oral tradition and supported the liberal French intervention of Maximilian perhaps because he sensed that he might be so able to make a difference for the native people. McDonough juxtaposes her accounts of historical Nahua intellectuals with portraits and short texts by contemporary Nahua intellectuals, particularly those working in the IDIEZ project. This makes for a very nice argument that Nahua intellectual tradition is alive and well, and that important work continues to be produced by Nahuan scholars today. When I get my hands on the actual book I'll write a full review.
Meanwhile, here is McDonough's own presentation of her book.
fredag den 12. september 2014
Nahuatl Oligosynthesis and the etymology of ”pachtli”
of the amazing features of Nahuatl is the many different ways that
words can be modified and derived from each other. This feature has
amazed and baffled linguists since the earliest studies of the
language. But since there are so many possible ways of deriving words
from other words sometimes the question arises which of two word is
derived from the other.
In this blog post I examine a question posted to the Nahuatl-l listserv regarding the etymologies of the word pachtli meaning ”moss, hay, mistletoe, rags, patch” and the verbs pachoa ”to move two things close together/to press two surfaces against eachother” (and seemingly metaphorically for a hen to sit on her eggs, and to govern or oppress someone) and the intransitive version pachiwi meaning ”to move close to one another/to collapse into itself/to settle (physically or emotionally)”. The noun and the verbs, seem to be obviously related. One possibility is that the verbs are derived from the noun so that the original literal meaning of the verbs is to ”to do like moss” or something similar to that. The other possibility is that the noun is derived from the verbs so that the original literal meaning of pachtli was ”something that is pressed against a surface”. Both options are possible since in Nahuatl it is possible to derive verbs from nouns by adding the ending -oa or -iwi, but it is also sometimes possible to derive nouns from verbs by removing the verbal ending and adding the absolutive ending -tli.
In this blog post I examine a question posted to the Nahuatl-l listserv regarding the etymologies of the word pachtli meaning ”moss, hay, mistletoe, rags, patch” and the verbs pachoa ”to move two things close together/to press two surfaces against eachother” (and seemingly metaphorically for a hen to sit on her eggs, and to govern or oppress someone) and the intransitive version pachiwi meaning ”to move close to one another/to collapse into itself/to settle (physically or emotionally)”. The noun and the verbs, seem to be obviously related. One possibility is that the verbs are derived from the noun so that the original literal meaning of the verbs is to ”to do like moss” or something similar to that. The other possibility is that the noun is derived from the verbs so that the original literal meaning of pachtli was ”something that is pressed against a surface”. Both options are possible since in Nahuatl it is possible to derive verbs from nouns by adding the ending -oa or -iwi, but it is also sometimes possible to derive nouns from verbs by removing the verbal ending and adding the absolutive ending -tli.
believe that neither is the case, and in the
following I will argue for a third
interpretation – namely that pachtli
and pachoa/pachiwi
are all derived from a proto-Nahuan locative morpheme /*pa/
meaning something like “on top of”, and a proto-Nahuan verb root
meaning basically “to move in X way”. (Note that in this post a phonemic representations are between //, an asterisk * before a word means that it is a proposed reconstruction, in phonemic writing I use the symbol č for ch and w for hu/uh)
Idea of Oligosynthesis
First I have to mention the concept of oligosynthesis. This concept was formulated by the American linguist and engineer Benjamin Lee Whorf who was among the first to begin to study Nahuatl as a living language, by interviewing speakers rather than just reading the old grammars. Whorf also had an expansive mind and was inclined to abstract thinking and seeing logical patterns and associations where others did not. When studying Nahuatl in the 1930s he found that many words with similar meanings looked similar, and that it seemed to be possible to analyze many longer words into short single syllabic morphemes with very abstract and general meanings. For example the way that the syllable /a:/ can refer to pretty much anything having to do with water or liquid. He argued that probably it was possible to analyze Nahuatl as having only a small number (perhaps in the tens) of basic morphemes from which all other etymological roots could be derived. He proposed defining such languages with small numbers of morphemes and a plethora of derivational processes as ”oligosynthetic” (from the Greek oligo = few, and ”synthesis” ”put together”). As Whorf continued to work on Uto-Aztecan historical linguistics he seems to have abandoned this idea and he never published anything about oligosynthesis. The only reason we know about it is because a manuscript about it exists on microfilm among the Whorf papers at Yale University. Whorf probably abandoned the idea of oligosynthesis as a basic typological category with good cause, it does seem unlikely that any natural language would ever be based on just a couple of hundred morphemes. Nonetheless, I do think the feeling of words being eerily similar and that they might be related by some abstract concept that just seems to escape us is familiar to most people who work with Nahuatl. When for example one notes that ”an arrow” is mitl and ”to pierce something” is mina it feels as if there is some relation, although we do not know of any current morphological processes that could derive mitl from mina or vice versa.
First I have to mention the concept of oligosynthesis. This concept was formulated by the American linguist and engineer Benjamin Lee Whorf who was among the first to begin to study Nahuatl as a living language, by interviewing speakers rather than just reading the old grammars. Whorf also had an expansive mind and was inclined to abstract thinking and seeing logical patterns and associations where others did not. When studying Nahuatl in the 1930s he found that many words with similar meanings looked similar, and that it seemed to be possible to analyze many longer words into short single syllabic morphemes with very abstract and general meanings. For example the way that the syllable /a:/ can refer to pretty much anything having to do with water or liquid. He argued that probably it was possible to analyze Nahuatl as having only a small number (perhaps in the tens) of basic morphemes from which all other etymological roots could be derived. He proposed defining such languages with small numbers of morphemes and a plethora of derivational processes as ”oligosynthetic” (from the Greek oligo = few, and ”synthesis” ”put together”). As Whorf continued to work on Uto-Aztecan historical linguistics he seems to have abandoned this idea and he never published anything about oligosynthesis. The only reason we know about it is because a manuscript about it exists on microfilm among the Whorf papers at Yale University. Whorf probably abandoned the idea of oligosynthesis as a basic typological category with good cause, it does seem unlikely that any natural language would ever be based on just a couple of hundred morphemes. Nonetheless, I do think the feeling of words being eerily similar and that they might be related by some abstract concept that just seems to escape us is familiar to most people who work with Nahuatl. When for example one notes that ”an arrow” is mitl and ”to pierce something” is mina it feels as if there is some relation, although we do not know of any current morphological processes that could derive mitl from mina or vice versa.
I personally believe that what we look at when we note these similarities is a sign of something that is not too far from what Whorf proposed. I think that it showed that the proto-Nahuan language must have had more derivational processes than it has currently, and that words could be formed by combining short stems. And not only was this possible, it must have been practiced very avidly by the speakers of the language, so that they generated families of words based on the same morphemes – words that stayed in the language after the grammatical processes they used to form them were no longer productive.
The problem with this belief is that it is very difficult to argue for, because it requires a lot of speculation about possible semantic and derivational relations between words, and what looks similar to me may not look that similar to someone else. It is hard to be convincing. So I hope that in the following I will be pardoned for speculating a bit, and that my reader will be prepared to entertain some of my speculations before dismissing them. My chosen example of an ”oligosynthetic” and historical analysis of Nahuatl, will be the etymology of the word pachtli ”moss”.
Etymology of pachtli ”moss/hay/patch/rags”
The argument that I will advance is that pachtli, pachoa and pachihui both come from a single source namely an original verb with the general meaning ”for two surfaces to come in contact one over the other” with an intransitive version meaning ”to put two surfaces in contact one over the other”. These verbs would have been *pachiwi and *pachiwa, respectively. It should be uncontroversial to posit the existence of these two verbs, pachiwi is attested with the range of meanings given in the first paragraph, which can clearly be abstractly reduced to the concept of two surface being in contact one over the other. In Nahuatl we find many pairs of transitive and intransitive verbs where the intransitive ends in /-i/ and the transitive in /-a/, and among these pairs we find a subgroup where the intransitive ends in /iwi/ and the transitive in /-oa/. Linguist Una Canger argued convincingly in 1980 in her book “Five Studies of Nahuatl Verbs in -Oa” that the verbs in /-oa/ come historically from the sequence /-iwa/ where the presence of the /w/ fused with the preceding /i/ causing it to become rounded and the glide to disappear from the phonemic representation of the word (this soundchange has also caused the noun /si:watl/ “woman” to become /so:atl/ in some dialects, and similar changes are common both in Nahuatl in and in the languages of the world in general). This makes a lot of sense and explains whi the -iwi/-oa pair are the only ones where the transitive and intransitive versions differ in more than the final vowel. So far so good, pachoa comes from *pachiwa, but that doesnt mean that *pachiwa didn't come from a construction such as /*pach-iwa/ and was derived from a root “*pač” meaning “moss”.
Here it is good to make a little point about what we know about the history of Nahuatl syllable structure. Nahuatl today allows both open and closed syllables of the shapes /CV/ /VC/ and /CVC/. But historically this was not the case. Most historical linguists would agree that Proto-Nahuatl probably allowed only /CV/ and /V/ syllables (or at least that they strongly favored them), and that most closed syllables can be understood either as the result of sequences of /CVCV/ where the last vowel has been lost through interaction with the stress pattern, or as the result of metatheses where a /CV/ syllable has been inverted to /VC/ in certain phonological environments.
This in turn means that /pač/ was not a possible syllable in proto-Nahuatl, the root would have to be reconstructed as */pačV/ the last vowel probably being an /i/ since often Nahuan /č/ comes from the sequence /tsi/. Since the original form of the absolutive suffix -tli was /*ta/, the noun pachtli must originally have been /patsita/ or /pačita/. So that means in turn that in order to derive pachoa from pachtli would have to see the original word as composed of two morphemes /patsi-wa/ where /wa/ is a suffix deriving a transitive verb from the noun. This is a possible etymology.
However lets look a little wider for related words. If we start looking at words that are similar to pachoa and pachihui we soon find /patska/ “to squeeze out a liquid” and the pair /patsiwi/ “to become crushed/mashed/bruised” and /patsoa/ ”to crush/mash/bruise something”. To me these words seem to be semantically related to pachihui and pachoa, through the meaning of pressing two surfaces together, and their phonological form is also strikingly similar. But they don't seem very similar to the word “moss”.
If we look aside from the verbal endings, in -iwi and -oa what makes these words look similar is only the syllable /pa-/ and the fact that there is a phonetic and possibly historical relation between /ts/ and /č/. So what could /pa/ mean?
The argument that I will advance is that pachtli, pachoa and pachihui both come from a single source namely an original verb with the general meaning ”for two surfaces to come in contact one over the other” with an intransitive version meaning ”to put two surfaces in contact one over the other”. These verbs would have been *pachiwi and *pachiwa, respectively. It should be uncontroversial to posit the existence of these two verbs, pachiwi is attested with the range of meanings given in the first paragraph, which can clearly be abstractly reduced to the concept of two surface being in contact one over the other. In Nahuatl we find many pairs of transitive and intransitive verbs where the intransitive ends in /-i/ and the transitive in /-a/, and among these pairs we find a subgroup where the intransitive ends in /iwi/ and the transitive in /-oa/. Linguist Una Canger argued convincingly in 1980 in her book “Five Studies of Nahuatl Verbs in -Oa” that the verbs in /-oa/ come historically from the sequence /-iwa/ where the presence of the /w/ fused with the preceding /i/ causing it to become rounded and the glide to disappear from the phonemic representation of the word (this soundchange has also caused the noun /si:watl/ “woman” to become /so:atl/ in some dialects, and similar changes are common both in Nahuatl in and in the languages of the world in general). This makes a lot of sense and explains whi the -iwi/-oa pair are the only ones where the transitive and intransitive versions differ in more than the final vowel. So far so good, pachoa comes from *pachiwa, but that doesnt mean that *pachiwa didn't come from a construction such as /*pach-iwa/ and was derived from a root “*pač” meaning “moss”.
Here it is good to make a little point about what we know about the history of Nahuatl syllable structure. Nahuatl today allows both open and closed syllables of the shapes /CV/ /VC/ and /CVC/. But historically this was not the case. Most historical linguists would agree that Proto-Nahuatl probably allowed only /CV/ and /V/ syllables (or at least that they strongly favored them), and that most closed syllables can be understood either as the result of sequences of /CVCV/ where the last vowel has been lost through interaction with the stress pattern, or as the result of metatheses where a /CV/ syllable has been inverted to /VC/ in certain phonological environments.
This in turn means that /pač/ was not a possible syllable in proto-Nahuatl, the root would have to be reconstructed as */pačV/ the last vowel probably being an /i/ since often Nahuan /č/ comes from the sequence /tsi/. Since the original form of the absolutive suffix -tli was /*ta/, the noun pachtli must originally have been /patsita/ or /pačita/. So that means in turn that in order to derive pachoa from pachtli would have to see the original word as composed of two morphemes /patsi-wa/ where /wa/ is a suffix deriving a transitive verb from the noun. This is a possible etymology.
However lets look a little wider for related words. If we start looking at words that are similar to pachoa and pachihui we soon find /patska/ “to squeeze out a liquid” and the pair /patsiwi/ “to become crushed/mashed/bruised” and /patsoa/ ”to crush/mash/bruise something”. To me these words seem to be semantically related to pachihui and pachoa, through the meaning of pressing two surfaces together, and their phonological form is also strikingly similar. But they don't seem very similar to the word “moss”.
If we look aside from the verbal endings, in -iwi and -oa what makes these words look similar is only the syllable /pa-/ and the fact that there is a phonetic and possibly historical relation between /ts/ and /č/. So what could /pa/ mean?
Whorf actually had the syllable /pa/ in his notes on oligosynthesis and he gave it the following possible meaning: “pervade, go through, across, beyond, and especially over.” We see the syllable /pa/ connection with a meaning of superposition in words such as -pan “on”, pamitl “banner” “-ikpak” “over”, ikpalli “seat”, panoa “cross over” and in the verbs patzihui, patzca, pachoa, pachihui if we accept the conjecture that all of these words are related through the meaning “direct contact between two surfaces one above the other”. If we postulate such an old morpheme /pa/ with the suggested meaning then we could see all these words as related, and the vebs as being formed by the morpheme /pa/ and a verbal root or a verbalizing suffix (here either -tsiwi/-tsiwa or -chiwi/-chiwa).
The verbs patzihui and patzoa would come from:
- *pa-tsi-wa “to forcefully move a surface on top of another” > /patsoa/
- *pa-tsi-wi “for two surfaces to forcefully move on top of eachother” > /patsiwi/
Pachihui and pachoa would then come from:
- /pačoa/ < *pa-či-wa “to move a surface on top of something else”
- /pačiwi/ *pa-či-wi “for two surfaces to move on top of each other”
And then finally the noun pachtli would come from
- *pa-či-ta “something that is on top of something else/ something that has done the pa-movement”
- *pa-či-ti-ka “to be like something that is on top of something else/to be like something that has done the pa-movement”
finally, instead of deriving pachoa
from pachtli
or vice versa, we derive both from a hypothetical root “pa” with
a highly abstract meaning, and by positing the use of derivtaional
processes that no longer exist in the language.
How is that for oligosynthesis?
Let me know if you find the proposal convincing or not.
How is that for oligosynthesis?
Let me know if you find the proposal convincing or not.
- Canger, Una. 1980. Five studies inspired by Nahuatl verbs in -oa. Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague, Vol. XIX. Copenhagen: The Linguistic Circle of Copenhagen
- Casad, Eugene. 1982. Cora Locationals and Structured Imagery. Doctoral disssertation. University of California San Diego.
lørdag den 6. september 2014
Xochicuicatl Cuecuechtli – the first contemporary opera in Nahuatl: A Review

First a little background: The opera is
written by Gabriel Pareyón, a Mexican polymath who works both as a
composer, a musicologist, a linguist and a
semiotician. He has previously written pieces of contemporary music
with long titles in Otomí some of which can be
heard on youtube, but this seems to be his first work featuring
Nahuatl. In the program Pareyón describes that the work is part of
a research project on how to understand indigenous musical traditions
of Mexico, and give life to an aesthetic vision that harks back to
Mesoamerica before European contact.
The libretto is
based on one of the Cantares Mexicanos, which is a collection of
songs in Nahuatl, written sometime in the 16th
century. The text are considered by most Nahuatl specialists to be
among the most intrigueing texts written in colonial Nahuatl, and
among the most challenging. The particular songtype is what in
Nahuatl is called a Cuecuechcuicatl,
John Bierhorst translates into English as “Ribald Flowersong” and
philosopher and Nahuatl scholar Patrick Johansson translates as
“Canto florido de travesuras” (flowery song of naughtiness). Based
on descriptions of the songtype in ethnohistorical sources which
describe it as being sexually inappropriate for a good Christian
audience, Johansson reinterprets the flower and nature images of the
song as sexual metaphors. This interpretation forms the basis of
work which is built around an erotic theme.
music is written for an ensemble of instruments of types known to
have been used by pre-contact Mesoamerican musicians (this kind of
music is increasingly beoming known as pre-cuauhtemic music in
Mexico, alluding to Cuauhtemoc the last independent ruler of
Mexihco-Tenochtitlan). These instruments include large standing drums
(huehuetl) and smaller lying slit-drums (teponaztli), as well as other
percussion instruments and different types of flutes and conch
trumpets. The music is written for and performed by the
pre-cuauhtemic ensemble Kuauhkiyahuitzintli/Lluvia de Palos led by
plot of the work, created by Pareyón based on the song, evolves around an erotic relation between a Huastec by the name Tohuenyo (performed by
Ricardo Diaz Mendoza, known from Mel Gibson's Apocalypto), three
“pleasure girls”(performed by Silvia Moreno, Abril Mondragon and
Priscella Uvalle) and a cuicamatini
“knower of songs” (performed by César
Juarez-Joyner) who at the end of the work turns into the Aztec god of
sexual debauchery Xochipilli.
I missed the conference that was given by the composer and several
Nahuatl specialists, including Patrick Johansson before the
performance, and I arrived to take my seat just before the curtain
went up.
was not the first time that I had heard pre-cuauhtemic music, but I
was very surprised at the enormous range of expressivity that Lluvia
de Palos were able to create with their limited means. In spite of
clearly being in the genre of “contemporary” compositional music,
the sound was not easily associated with any specific place or time
in the world. At times it was reminiscent of Japanese music, as I
know it from Kurosawa movies, or of balinese gong music. But at other
times it sounded like nothing I had ever heard before. In a good way.
particularly liked the part where the three Ahuianime use the metates
(grindstones for grinding corn) as musical instruments, the sound of
stone grinding against stone creating a rich texture with the wooden
sounds of the slit drums.
singing was something else. In an interview given to the
diariodigital, Pareyón explained that he had worked consciously to
try to arrive at a singing style that was not based on European
singing. In the same interview Enid Negrete, coordinator and
scenographer stated that “The Nahuatl language gave opportunity to,
provoked and required a different vocal technique, completely
distinct from the European technique which is based on articulation
rather than embodiment, and which is also used in order to make sure
the Nahuatl is intelligible and retains its intonation.” The vocal
technique was definitely very different from any European technique
(and also from any non-European technique I have heard). The
technique involved singing in a high-pitched highly glottalized (what
linguists would call “creaky voice”) register, where the voice
frequently breaks into falsetto. It was at times difficult to
distinguish the composition from the vocal technique. The singers
seemed to repeat a small number of melodic figures most of them based
on a rising falling melodic contour, with different accentuations and
phrasings, chopping them up into staccatos with strong accent on each
syllable, breaking into violent falsettos on the high point of the
phrase, or glottalizing the descending phrase into a fading shriek.
The goal of creating a completely distinct vocal aesthetic was
certainly achieved. The other goal of making a technique suited for
Nahuatl I think was less well achieved. I was able to hear quite a
bit of the libretto and recognize parts of the poem, which were
repeated in the voices of the different singers. But many times I was
unable to hear what was being sung at all – perhaps this is a
result of the technique being focused on embodiment rather than on
articulation, and I certainly also cant always hear what is being
sung in a European opera, so that may not be so big of a deal. But
also the intonation of the language was completely changed, a lot of
the times the speech rhytm was weirdly staccato sounding like no
variety of Nahuatl I have ever heard, and frequently stress was
placed on syllables where they would never occur in spoken Nahuatl.
Overall the delivery of the language came across to me as extremely
artificial and unnatural (in a not good way).
I think I understand the choice of this strange vocal aesthetics – simply because using any singing style that could be identified as “European” would have clearly marked the attempt to attain a truly “autochtonous” aesthetics as half-assed an hypocritical. But on the other hand I have a hard time believing that the style though very “foreign” and unknown was in fact a closer approximation of how pre-cuauhtemic singing sounded like. In me, the choice of vocal technique produced a very strong verfremdungseffekt, that provoked me to think critically about the whole project and the way it depicted the indigenous people as completely exotic (and savagely erotic) others. This made me ask myself the question whether the pursuit of the aesthetic other of European music in an imagined pre-cuauhtemic Mesoamerica does not easily turn into a kind of “occidentalism”.
I think I understand the choice of this strange vocal aesthetics – simply because using any singing style that could be identified as “European” would have clearly marked the attempt to attain a truly “autochtonous” aesthetics as half-assed an hypocritical. But on the other hand I have a hard time believing that the style though very “foreign” and unknown was in fact a closer approximation of how pre-cuauhtemic singing sounded like. In me, the choice of vocal technique produced a very strong verfremdungseffekt, that provoked me to think critically about the whole project and the way it depicted the indigenous people as completely exotic (and savagely erotic) others. This made me ask myself the question whether the pursuit of the aesthetic other of European music in an imagined pre-cuauhtemic Mesoamerica does not easily turn into a kind of “occidentalism”.
aspect that bugged me a bit regarding the treatment of the language
was the fact that the Nahuatl libretto was nowhere represented in
writing – neither in the program nor in the running light titles
above the stage. Anyone who was not able to understand the sung
Nahuatl (I would estimate that would be about 98% of the audience)
only had acces to the “supertitles” in Spanish above the stage.
The “supertitles” also written by Pareyón, had a very indirect
relation to what was actually being sung in Nahuatl. At times the
titles approximated Johanssons translation, but at other times it
deviated completely from the Nahuatl words, creating dialogue between
the characters, or adding sexual innuendo such as “we women do not
subsist on corn and beans alone, we also need chili” or “I erect
my flowery pole” neither of which was present in the sung words.
The supertitle in that way was more of a guide to the plot, and an
representation of the composers interpretation of the poem than an
actual translation of the sung text. This made the Nahuatl text
stand alone isolated from the meaning of the plot, and to me gave the
impression that the language was only an instrument to achieve an
aesthetic effect, but not meant to be a language of actual
communication. Kind of like a meaningless soundscape, that the
Spanish supertitles then inscribed meaning onto. So is this cultural
translation or is it colonizing and erasing the Nahuatl text and the voice of the Nahuas who wrote it?
While this performance was the official premiere, the opera had in fact already been performed for an audience of Nahua people in Arcelia, Guerrero. This was done, according to the composer, in order to show indigenous people that also non-native speakers can use the Nahuatl language. It does seem that other than this, no native speakers were directly involved in the production. Sometimes it is difficult to be sure when the usage of cultural signs across cultural borders are demonstrations of friendship and brotherhood and when they are appropriations. Here a few hours after having seen the performance, I still havent settled on one of those two interpretations.
While this performance was the official premiere, the opera had in fact already been performed for an audience of Nahua people in Arcelia, Guerrero. This was done, according to the composer, in order to show indigenous people that also non-native speakers can use the Nahuatl language. It does seem that other than this, no native speakers were directly involved in the production. Sometimes it is difficult to be sure when the usage of cultural signs across cultural borders are demonstrations of friendship and brotherhood and when they are appropriations. Here a few hours after having seen the performance, I still havent settled on one of those two interpretations.
finish by giving some examples of different translations of the first
stanza of the poem, as you will see hey are quite different:
nache niehco. Ya nihuehuetzcatihuitz.
Ye nixcuecuech, Aya, xochitl in ye nocuic.
Momamalina zan ic ya totoma, ho Ohuaya, nicalle.
Ye ompa nihuitz xochitl iztac ihcacan,
anca ye mochan in quiquizcalihtic
in amoxtonaticac, Ohuaya, nicalle.
Ye nixcuecuech, Aya, xochitl in ye nocuic.
Momamalina zan ic ya totoma, ho Ohuaya, nicalle.
Ye ompa nihuitz xochitl iztac ihcacan,
anca ye mochan in quiquizcalihtic
in amoxtonaticac, Ohuaya, nicalle.
Brother! I'm arriving. I come laughing. I'm a leering ribald! My
songs, these flowers, They are whirling and I set them free.
come from where white flowers stand. And now it seems these pictures
stand up shining in your home
trumpet house. (Bierhorst 1985:369)
Mi gran jefe, llego: yo vengo a reír. / My great chief, I arrive, I come to laugh
Soy cara traviesa, flor es mi canción./ I am a naughty face, flower is my song
Se va tramando y luego se despliega. ¡Ah, soy el casero! / It goes weaving and then unfolds. Ah! I am the one who lives here.
Llego a donde la flor blanca está erguida: / I arrive to where the white flower stands erect:
ésa es tu casa y entre las trompetas / This is your house and among the trumpets
tus libros relucen como el Sol. ¡Ah, soy el casero! / books shine like the sun. Ah! I am the one who lives here
Á.G. Garibay K. (1955)/ (my translation to English)
Oh gran jefe, llegué, vine a reír./ O great chief, I arrived. I came to laugh.
Soy cara traviesa, aya, esta flor es mi canto. / I am a naughty face, aya, this flower is my song
Se va tramando y luego se despliega. ¡Soy el dueño de la casa! / It goes weaving and then unfolds. I am the owner of the house!
Llegué a donde la flor blanca está erguida: / I arrived at where the white flower stands erect.
ésa es tu casa entre las trompetas / That is your house among the trumpets,
donde se calienta el musgo, ¡soy el dueño de la casa! / Where the moss is warm. I am the owner of the house.
P. Johansson (2002)/ My translation into English
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